Thursday, June 14, 2007


And lastly, this is me playing men's league softball. I play Industrial not Church league. I play for Valentino's.

This is "my" car. I'm buying it from Lesley's mom because she doesn't want it and I do. I love it. It makes me happy.

Just a picture of my baby and I. We both really like the spot for the wedding, and if you want you can look for the "apothacary" in Lincoln, NE. Just Google it. I'm sure there are pictures up on the internet somewhere. That's where the reception will be.

I am amazing. Here I have mastered the art of buffalo riding. Its not as easy as it looks. They buck like crazy and getting on it was actually pretty hard. It was kinda slick and really hot.

Ha! Lesley in my gear. I got a lot of gear when I got home. Dang.
Another one! she looks ferocious huh. LOL! Army Strong Hooah!


Alyssa Spring Corley said...

Loves it!!!!!

MOM said...

Hey, that girl look terrifying!! I'd hate to meet up with her in a dark alley...but would love her with me if I met someone else there!

Glad you are enjoying being home for a bit.