Monday, November 23, 2009

Visiting Micah

So the 15th through the 18th Sawyer and I were able to go down to Fort Hood Texas and spend some time with Micah. It was really great seeing him and getting some good time together. I didn't get too many pictures (I forgot to take them) but i did get a couple good ones. His leave was for the afternoon sometime (they were released at different times each day) till 9 the next day and then wednesday the 18th he had the whole day till 6pm. I really enjoyed spending time with Micah again.

Monday, November 2, 2009



Today is Sawyer's 3 month birthday! it's crazy how fast time seems to have gone and how big she is getting. she's just on the edge of not fitting into 3 months yet but almost doesn't have anymore growing room in the newborn clothes. I'm just amazed at her features coming in and how she just seems more and more like a little person instead of this helpless little baby doll.
Sawyer is getting strong and able to hold part of her chest off of the floor now. She's exposing more and more of her personality. She's silly and loves to talk but wants people to talk to and talk back to her. we're adapting to life without micah present but we still have him around us, i have pictures of him everywhere, i walk around with sawyer and show her all the pictures. Sawyer still is extremely happy but is starting to show a wider range of emotions and gets upset maybe a little bit more but i think its because she's going through a little growth spurt. she's just preciuos and i love her bunches!