Wednesday, May 21, 2008

1 month and move in

So it's offical we have been married one full month, today! it's been great it's was kinda stressful getting all the paperwork done and name changed on everything and made ours not just singular. but after all the running around and stress of getting things done we got to relax and enjoy just being with each other. well for the most part but now we're getting ready to move again!

we went in to sign the lease on our apartment and we are moving in this coming weekend! it's earlier then we originally planned but we just wanted to be in our place as soon as possible. We need to get a couple of furniture pieces like a table and maybe a couch. but i'm sure things will work out. we're looking at going to offutt air force base in omaha and looking there becuase everything there is tax free and may be cheaper for us. i think it's fun that only some people can get in to shop there makes me feel important. i just want to get everything of our own and have a comfortable place to life and have people visit us and have fun. nothing too extravagant but nice.


Alyssa Spring Corley said...

Yah!!! I'm so glad you guys are going to have your very own place!

MOM said...

YIPPEE! I am totally happy for you guys to get to be on your own -especally since you desrire it too.
We are in Chihuahua now safe and sound...real dusty and a bit beat from the trip. Love y'all! MAMA