Monday, July 13, 2009


Well i've been going to weekly doctors appt and they've all been going well. blood pressure is still perfect. no dialation yet but i have 2 more weeks but the doctored said i'm about halfway effaced so there is progress. still feeling pretty good though i've started to have some nausea and shortness of breath but doctor send they are common things and not to worry. they usually don't last very long. i've also been getting tired a lot more but again very common. doctor said that sawyer is in the right postion, with her head 'very' far down. it's just becoming more and more real that she's on her way. last week i dropped (my belly is much lower) which kinda makes me look bigger but i haven't really gained much. micah is getting nervous with all his drill coming up pray that God times this labor well and that micah can focus on training while he's there.

this is a bad upward angle making me look more bottom heavy than i truely am (so don't think wow because i really have tappered off in the weight gain thing). forgive me i wanted to get a picture up since i haven't for awhile and if i keep procrastinating it could be too late! so it didn't turn out the best plus i'm really tired looking. boo o well :P love you all

1 comment:

Dad R. said...

Hey, you do look like you have dropped. But you still look healthy which pleases me mucho! Let me know when your next doc appt. is. We ar eback in TN. Love you Mama