Thursday, October 8, 2009

2 Month Check Up

Aunt Erin got me Husker socks and a husker headband!

I always have fun during changing time!

I'm playing cards with daddy!

So the 2nd Sawyer had her 2 month check up. She now weighs 9lbs 12oz and is 22.5in long. she's staying right on the same curve and seems to be growing and developing wonderfully. the appointment wasn't completely great though because sawyer received some shots (i'm not as imformed or courageous as you alyssa!) it was AWFUL she hated it! she screamed and cried and was very traumatic for me to watch. my poor baby but she's strong and didn't let it bother her too long.

Sawyer is great. she talks and moves all the time and holds her head up like a trooper. she loves watching the tv and bright lights and playing and smiling at everyone. she's always happy and is going as long as 10 hours sleeping at night.

today we got her pictures taken and got a huge great discount because we have a friend that works there. they turned out so well. i will be mailing out some pictures to family. they are extremely cute so BE EXCITED!
O and check out visit with grandparents below!

Laying with daddy

Playing games with mommy, she's so funny!

I'm so excited I'm sitting up! (with a little help from the pack n play)


MOM said...

Such cute pictures. And you are right, she is funny!

Geri said...

what a doll, she's getting so big!!

Unknown said...

i better be part of the "family" that receives pictures, my dear friend :| you DON'T wanna mess with me.