Friday, August 6, 2010


The last couple of days have been spent in preparation because tonight Micah is finally going to be home! We'll pick hom up at 8:50 it's all an exciting mix of emotions bembarding me. If i wouldn't have taken time out of the day to just collect my thoughts they all would have gotten out of control. just so many things to think aout and a very many i shouldn't think about and God really helped me with it. Micah has been in the States since around monday sometime and has been in Fort Hood doing debreifings and classes and turning equipment in. Sawyer has been very entertaining this week, with enjoying all her new toys she's received on her birthday. she dances all the time when there is music on and plays the piano on her new car been a little spoiled this week but it's deserved :)
She been a great distraction from all the commotion and she heightens my excitment to soon be able to share her silly antics with her daddy

here i'm blowing some bubbles and casey's jumping and biting them while sawyer giggles at him

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