Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sharing is Caring!

Well yesterday was the first day i realized other people could also feel the baby's movement so micah finally got to feel his baby!... He probably could've felt it before but i didn't know it cuz everything is new to me so i didn't know the movement was strong enough (i'm still learning this okay)i get to share the little guy(gurl) now lol... Also yesterday i bought my first ever pair of maternity pants! They are very comfortable but were expensive! I'm going to try and find some cheaper ones for my next pair or might even be as courageous as to try and SEW SOME GASP! So here is a pic of the bump and kinda the pants, you can't see them the best but make due i was doing it myself haha

ps. i lied in my last blog! didn't mean to... appointment is the 11th not the 18th oops hopefully this next time they will tell me when the ultrasound is and when we find out it's sex! i hope but i'm learning to be patient. well sort of... ha


Unknown said...

oh you're so cute. dude. look at that thing..on the left..of your almost halfway through?!?!?

MOM said...

I can see you and the bump!! :-) And I like the blog's new look. I'm thinking you did that and not Micah??? So was your appointment today, the 11th?