Monday, June 14, 2010

Triathlon and such

So saturday morning i got up much earlier than normal to compete in a triathlon (a very short one.) I had never done one before and decided though i couldn't do the one i wanted, because i had sprained my ankle not long ago, i would still do one. it was actually really fun. my running was no good but i was expecting that from not running much. and though it wasn't long i still felt i accomplished something. it's always really nice getting that feeling. lately i've been very tired so i don't get it quite as much because i take a lot of naps. well i'm going to be getting a medal because i got first in my age group so thats kind of exciting and 11th overall. though there were many competitors.
sawyer has been busy busy as usual. burning off all her calorie intake. she loves climbing things and getting into everything. her newest infatuation is putting things inside of other things. like putting pens in cups or her sippy cup into a basket and then she get excited reaches in takes it out and does it all over herself. it's so fun to see her so pleased with what she can do and see her little mind working and figuring new things out. the other day she even put herself inside of casey's kennel. it was really cute but i had to help a little in getting her out... i forget how little she is...

1 comment:

MOM said...

WOW! I like what you did to your page. Really cool! take care of yourself. And we are on the count-down with ya! It's gonna be wonderful having Micah back where he belongs:-) At home with you and Sawyer.