Saturday, April 12, 2008

dishes and such and retrospective thoughts

hi guys. just some pictures to show you a little bit of what we got using money we received for our wedding. they were all very nice things and we are very thankful for the provisions. lol. we will not use them until we have our own place but they were all what we wanted.

thank you all for your prayers and thoughts for lesley and i. things have been hard, but i know that there is a higher reason for things that we can not see and will not understand in this life. my heart feels broken. i'm not sure i have ever ached like i do now, but i have so much still to be thankful for that i can not stay down for long. but october the 3rd will always be a day of rememberance. and even though we lost, the child accomplished many things in our relationship that could not have happened otherwise. it gave me the heart of a father and a desire to be a man of God. it gave lesley a deep desire to be a mother and to care for things of her own and ultimately, it brought lesley and i back to eachother. and for that we are forever thankful. thank you for your prayers. we are getting married on monday the 21st of this month. we wish that our whole families could be present but we are planning to renew our vows sometime in the next year. so we will give plenty of notice for that as that will be our large event and we would like to have everyone there.

lesley will be going on monday for her operation. i believe its called a dnc. but i'm not sure. it will be hard but we are glad for the closure. the doctors said that they didn't see anything abnormal with the test done yesterday. pray that all goes smoothly on monday at 9:30 am. we should be out around 1 pm that afternoon.

here are some pictures of the things we got.

much love to everyone.

micah and lesley

1 comment:

MOM said...

Hey you guys did good! I love the place settings. Awesome colors. Know we do pray for you everyday. You and your siblings are always at the top of our prayer list. I especially appreciate you sharing fromt he heart. Press on with your EYES FIXED ON THE LORD; no turning to the left nor the right...He has great plans for you.