Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Doctors appt

Today was maisy's 2 month check up. She is growing, maybe not so much like a weed, but shes getting there.
8lbs 4oz
20 3/4"
That may seem little but it's bigger than before and it's right along the chart's line... Shes in the 5%-10% on the chart
Doctor says everything looks wonderful. Shes super strong and healthy, but of course we knew she would be! ;)
She did really great with the exam. Shes pretty laid back when it comes to things so getting moved about didn't really effect her much, she just sat there very nice while staring at mommy the whole time.
The only bad time was the shots at the very end, which we both fell asleep waiting for. So sad to see littles so upset.
well we go back again in 2 months we'll let you know how it goes love you

1 comment:

MOM said...

She is super cute! I am so thankful for the girls being easy to handle. God is good!